Who we Are

Holy Nation Revival Church

About Us

Holy Nations Revival Church is a Holy Spirit filled Church. We share the love of God in all that we do. We strive to bring the best out of people. We encourage people in the Lord and direct their steps toward salvation.

At Holy Nations Revival Church, we believe all people are created equal, and should serve God with their God given gifts, skills and talents. God has given us all that He has we are to give it all to the world.

The Birth of Holy Nations Revival Church

Holy Nations Revival Church was born on January 22, 2012. It was a ministry assign to Pastors Bright and Rosemary Okoronkwo by our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christ revealed Himself to Paul and committed to him a ministry to the gentiles, so the Lord revealed Himself to us and committed Holy Nations Revival Church to us for the lost. Our duty is to preach Christ in faith and in truth. Building disciples from every nation of the world. Holy Nations Revival Church is now established in Nigeria.


Our Vision

Is to reveal the love of the Faster to the world (John 3:16). Stirring the heart of the people toward Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Our Mission

Is to bring out the best in people using the scriptures to unleash the God giving potentials in their lives and encourage them to use those gifts to serve the world while maintaining right living (Matthew 28-18-20).

Statement of Faith

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Born of a Virgin, Crucified. Died, Buried, Resurrected, and Seated at the Right hand of the Father interceding for the world (Acts 17: 3).