
At Holy Nations Revival Church, we believe in the importance of connection and community. Here are some ways you can get connected with us:

Bible Studies

We believe in the importance of studying the Bible and growing in our faith. We offer various Bible studies throughout the week to help you deepen your understanding of God’s Word and connect with other believers.

You could join our Mid-week bible study online through Zoom.

Prayer Request

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:18)
If you have a prayer request, we would love to pray for you. Please submit your prayer request through our online form or in person at one of our services.

Send in Testimonies

We love to hear how God is working in the lives of our members and visitors. If you have a testimony you would like to share, please submit it through our online form or share it with us in person at one of our services.


At Holy Nations we understand the importance of strong and healthy marriages. We offer marriage counseling services to help couples navigate through the ups and downs of married life and build a strong foundation for their relationship. To schedule an appointment for marriage counseling for you and your spouse, please click on the link to complete a form.